We’re excited to announce PaddlePress 1.3, with two major new features: archivable downloads and custom registration emails.

Archiviable Downloads

You can archive downloadable items, by using bulk actions or just simply clicking to “archive” action on the post listing screen. This is feature would be useful especially if you are selling software since we always want to customers install the most recent version.

Custom Welcome Email

In order to provide better onboarding (especially when you are running a membership site) we added a brand new email template. WordPress sends password reset links by default for a good reason however, sometimes it can be tricky to set up a new password by the non-tech savvy folks. With the placeholders, you can freely customize the email and guide your customers.

The new version includes a couple of improvements under the hood besides these new features. Here are detailed changes:

  • Fix: creating protected directory on Apache servers
  • Add lost password link to the login form.
  • Better handling expired subscriptions.
  • Improved logging (log when signature validation fails)
  • New post status: downloadable items can be archived now.
  • Automatic username generation improvements. (use an email address when it’s valid)
  • Registration email customization for better onboarding.

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