Magic Login 1.2 was released today and contains a brand new login block to provide more flexibility to use and customize the login form.

Login Block

The new login block allows customizing almost everything with the form without extra effort. As we have announced at the prior release shortcode is still there and you don’t have to change anything to keep using it. The blocks are just much more convenient and easy to use.

In order to add a login block to your page, just type /magic in the block editor and see the magic happening or alternatively, you can choose it from the UI or search.

Better Lifespan Management

We have removed 1-60 minute restriction from the token lifespan, still encourage to use shorter TTL. However, this responsibility belongs to the website owner and is free to customize lifespan.

If you want to keep the token alive till it is used, just enter 0 as TTL, in that case, WP-Cron won’t set up a clean-up task and the users will be able to log in whenever they want.


  • New: Magic Login Block – It’s much easier to add and customize the login form in the block editor.
  • Customizable token intervals added. (removed 1-60 minutes restriction)
  • New placeholder added: {{EXPIRES_WITH_INTERVAL}} to display TTL with the interval.
  • Updated Shared UI
  • Improved documentation on the settings page.
  • New: Show an error message when the user doesn’t exist.
  • New filter: Added magic_login_invalid_token_error_message to customize error message.

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