Updater Implementation for WordPress Themes

PaddlePress Pro allows you to set up automatic upgrades for WordPress themes.

Step 1 – Include Updater Files

Please take a look our updater in the sample theme.

  • Copy updater directory into your theme and change the namespace.

Then place the following code into your theme’s functions.php:

 * Load custom updater
function your_theme_prefix_theme_updater() {
	require get_template_directory() . '/updater/theme-updater.php';

add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'your_theme_prefix_theme_updater' );

Step 2 – Configure Updater

Edit /updater/theme-updater.php

$config = array(
	'license_api_url' => 'http://example.org/wp-json/paddlepress-api/v1/license', // License endpoint
	'update_api_url'  => 'http://example.org/wp-json/paddlepress-api/v1/update', // Update endpoint
	'theme_slug'      => 'paddlepress-sample-theme', // Theme slug
	'download_tag'    => 'paddlepress-sample', // download tag
	'version'         => '1.0.0', // The current version of this theme
	'author'          => 'HandyPlugins', // The author of this theme
	'beta'            => false, // Optional, set to true to opt into beta versions